Sunday, May 4, 2008

Come Holy Spirit

It doesn't seem possible, but it's true. Our little girl has grown into a young woman. It seems like only yesterday we were taking her to Father Good for Baptism . . . and then to Father Doyle for her First Holy Communion. Is it really true that she has taken her final step and become a fully initiated Catholic Christian? Yes, it is. The years have flown by, as everyone told us they would.

Here she is--our daughter, Margaret with Archbishop Eusebius Beltran of Oklahoma City. She chose St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross for her patron saint. She was confirmed at St. Philip Neri on the 30th of April 2008. It was a beautiful Mass and celebration of the sacrament! We were so grateful to be joined in this joyous occasion by all four of Meg's grandparents, her Aunt Patti and Aunt Julie, and numerous friends. We'd especially like to thank Meg's sponsor, Carla, for all of her support during the two year formation process.

We'd also like to thank those dear family and friends who were with us spirit and prayer. We certainly felt the strength of the Holy Spirit on this very special evening! God bless you all! We had an unexpected blessing. Michelle wanted to serve for her sister's Confirmation but thought she would be unable to because the servers had already been selected. Then at the last minute, a server dropped out and she was able to fill in. Thanks again to all who held us up in prayer and remembered Meg with cards and gifts; please know we will never forget you! May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts and your lives with the Light of His Love!

Peace and Blessings!

Rod, Cathy, Meg and Michelle

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